Monthly Archives: December 2017

Is the ‘master teacher’ credential headed for extinction?

Teaching is a profession that gets a lot of lip-service respect, but is generally dismissed as a career for academic lightweights–mediocre students who get easy As in lackluster education colleges and then struggle to pass basic skills tests. That’s why a credential that rewards excellence and intellectual rigor is an important recognition for accomplished teachers who deserve to be respected… Read more →

School prepares kids to shut up, comply

School doesn’t prepare students for life, writes Rich Stowell on Medium. It prepares them to comply. His creative, bright extroverted son is considered a mediocre student “because 1) he gets bored quickly in class; 2) he speaks his mind when he should politely lie; and 3) he needs more attention than his more introverted classmates,” writes Stowell. His introverted son, too… Read more →

Add new college grads to the list of groups getting screwed by the GOP tax plan

We’ve been telling students for years that a college education is the best path to the American Dream, but that path may soon get even rockier if Republicans controlling the U.S. House, Senate and Oval Office secure passage of a devastating tax bill that will not only saddle them with extraordinary national debt for the coming generation but also make… Read more →

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